Claims System
Below is some general information regarding the claims system plugin in use on the server. This area may not reflect changes in configuration as soon as they happen, and may – at times – be slightly outdated.
- There are no limits on the number of claims you can have. The only limitation is based on how many claim blocks you have earned (See below).
- You can use a gold shovel to adjust your existing claims/subdivision.
- You can use a stick to check claim information for any block.
- Claims encompass ALL the vertical space going up, but only claim 15 blocks down from your claim level. As you dig down inside of your claim, it will extend further downward.
- You have 500 blocks for claiming by default.
- You earn 500 blocks for every hour of playtime (Be aware, sitting AFK does not count as playtime).
- You can earn a maximum of 50,000 claim blocks.
- Chest claims will automatically expire after 30 days if you do not manually expand them using the golden shovel.
- Unused claims will automatically expire after 30 days.
- A claim will be cleared after 60 days of inactivity – meaning the owner has not been on and there has been no interaction in the claim (The exception to this is if you have earned 15,000+ blocks from playtime, in which case, your claims will never expire).
- We have covered all the basic commands and usage of the plugin. However, If we missed something – you can read extensive documentation from the plugin author by clicking here. Be aware that we make many customization’s to the plugin functionality, and the documentation includes many administrative commands that you will not have access to.
Almost all commands for the claims system work on the basis of where you are at in the server. If you are standing inside of a claim or subdivision, and you use /trust – it will apply to that claim or subdivision. If you use the command outside of ANY claim, then it will apply to ALL your claims at once.
- /AbandonClaim – Deletes the claim you’re standing in.
- /ClaimExplosions – Toggles if explosions are allowed in the claim.
- /Trust – Gives another player permission to edit in your claim.
- /UnTrust – Revokes any permissions granted to a player in your claim.
- /AccessTrust – Gives a player permission to use your buttons, levers, and beds.
- /ContainerTrust – Gives permission to use your buttons, levers, beds, crafting gear, containers, and animals.
- /TrustList – Lists the permissions for the claim you’re standing in.
- /SubdivideClaims – Switches your shovel to subdivision mode, so you can subdivide your claims.
- /RestrictSubclaim – Restricts a sub-claim, so that it inherits no permissions from the parent claim.
- /BasicClaims – Puts your shovel back in basic claims mode.
- /PermissionTrust – Grants a player permission to share his permission level with others.
- /Untrust All – Removes all permissions for all players in your claim.
- /AbandonAllClaims – Deletes all of your claims.
- /ClaimsList – Lists a player’s claims and claim block details.
- /GivePet – Gives away a tamed animal.
- /UnlockDrops – When you die and drop your items, no other player can pick them up – unless you execute this command. This allows other players to grab your dropped items. NOTE: This only applies for items already dropped from death. Items dropped on your next death will still be locked by default – until you execute the command again. This item protection system DOES NOT apply to manual item drops, only player death drops.
NOTE: Any of the trust commands (Like /trust – /untrust – /permissiontrust – /permissionstrust) have the ability to add “public” as the name, and allow anyone to access that permission. As an example, if you used /containertrust public inside a claim or subclaim – anyone could access containers/mobs.
It is important that you manually adjust a claim as you continue to expand your build area. It is also important to expand a chest claim, as it will expire after 30 days – if not manually adjusted. You can also start a new claim using the golden shovel. See the New Claims section for more info.
You can also use this method to create multiple claims. There are no limits on the amount of claims you can create – instead you are limited only to your blocks earned from playtime (See the general info section for detailed information).
The shovel is also used to create subdivisions within your existing claims (You can check the commands section to find out how to enter and exit subdivision mode).